Silvia Molino

Silvia Molino

In 2002 she graduated in Business Administration at the University of Calabria, thesis in macroeconomics: "Information and Communication Technologies: strategic advantages for small and medium-sized enterprises in Italy".

In 2007 she registered to the order of Chartered Accountants of Parma (Enrollment n. 811) and in 2008 she registered to the register of Auditors to no.  49634 (Measure Min. The justice of 25/02/2008 in the official gazette l n. 20 - IV SPECIAL SERIES, 11/03/2008). She is a member of Statutory Auditors of important capital companies and non-commercial bodies.

She is responsible of legal audit, internal control of pension funds and trust.


The Professional Association Cerati Laurini Ampollini ("Cla") was born in the year 2000. Partners and collaborators are Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors with many years of experience in the field of business and fiscal consultancy and auditing.


Studio Cerati Laurini Ampollini
c.f./p.i. 02134560347

Parma offices:

Via Abbeveratoia, 63/A
43126 Parma
Telefono: +39 0521 039722

Milano offices:

Via S. Maria Fulcorina, 2
20123 Milano
Telefono: +39 02.6571709/941

Milano offices:

Via Fatebenefratelli, n. 20
20121 Milano
Telefono: +39 02.6571709/941

Busseto offices:

Via Paganini, 16
43011 Busseto Parma
Telefono: +39 0524 97953

Studio Cerati Laurini Ampollini © 2019