CLA has been involved in numerous extraordinary company transactions (mergers, divisions, transfers) with respect to which it has represented the interests both of the seller and the buyer. Customers derive particular benefit from the activities made by the internal tax department specializing in these operations. The presence of this department in fact allows to manage the extraordinary operations of enterprise in all their aspects, including the step of due diligence for tax purposes.


CLA has a started group of Tax Consultants consisting of chartered accountants and statutory auditors. The Department provides services in the operations of acquisition and corporate restructuring and is able to assist Italian companies or foreign entities who address to the Italian market. Particular attention is dedicated to the consultancy activities in the generational changeover of the enterprise and in tax planning for purposes successors (trust, intended assets etc.). The department is highly specialized in the issue of opinions of fiscal nature.


CLA boasts experience in tax litigation. The ability of litigation management is not confined to a single department but extends to all the working groups that are fitted with the necessary skills of procedural law. The tax department assists its clients both in the context of the dispute before tax commissions of every order and degree and within the framework of procedures to prevent the litigation.  Support is provided also in the phase of pre-litigation, of self-defense, of the clarification, of the assessment with accession and the mediation.


CLA has activated an accounting data processing center.   It has also the necessary skills for sworn statement of declarations of income and their telematic sending. In the case of the internalization of the accounts, it supports the customer in choosing the company management system adapted to the specific needs; it processes all administrative flows in order to avoid duplications and/or loss of information in view of the new administrative organization; it develops together with the administrative staff within the company an optimal use of business software. Additional services include: legal domicile (company, branch, stable organization); management of the incoming and outgoing mail, assigning telephone numbers, secretariat and offices per day and meeting, using one or more unique numbers with a custom response, use of offices and meeting rooms furnished and equipped with all the functionality, use of videoconferencing.


CLA is able to assist its customers in relation to matters concerning all aspects of company law as well as to the choice of the more appropriate corporate structure.  The drafting of shareholder agreements in general and the provision of preliminary trade contracts in particular, constitute an important sector of the activities of the study. It aims to respond flexibly and efficiently to the needs of its customers, since the beginning of the negotiations until the drafting of the various drafts of the contract, to arrive at the definitive agreement.


A working group is dedicated to the activities concerning the management control for industrial and tertiary sectors. With this service is offered the opportunity, on the basis of auditing data, to obtain budgets, cash-flow, financial planning, business-plan. The implementation of the analytical and industrial accounts add other information management, fundamental for the choice of business strategies of the entrepreneur. The index analysis of the deviations of product/services marginality, of the times-methods complete the picture of the basic information indispensable to the management to analyze the best business situation of short-medium term.


In the event that the customer is in a situation of: temporary absence of a senior manager, change of orientation of the business, the launch of new brands/products, need of managerial skills to support existing team, forced absences of senior manager (disease etc.), will be able to count on the immediate intervention of a senior manager made available by CLA.


The Professional Association Cerati Laurini Ampollini ("Cla") was born in the year 2000. Partners and collaborators are Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors with many years of experience in the field of business and fiscal consultancy and auditing.


Studio Cerati Laurini Ampollini
c.f./p.i. 02134560347

Parma offices:

Via Abbeveratoia, 63/A
43126 Parma
Telefono: +39 0521 039722

Milano offices:

Via S. Maria Fulcorina, 2
20123 Milano
Telefono: +39 02.6571709/941

Milano offices:

Via Fatebenefratelli, n. 20
20121 Milano
Telefono: +39 02.6571709/941

Busseto offices:

Via Paganini, 16
43011 Busseto Parma
Telefono: +39 0524 97953

Studio Cerati Laurini Ampollini © 2019